This year while I was waiting for the Unitarian-Universalist Christmas service to start at Sage Chapel at Cornell, I decided it was a perfect time to meditate on what the new year would bring. I began grounding, and as I did, I felt bones from human bodies. I knew that there were remains interred in the chapel, but I wasn’t sure where. I also started hearing “two in the front.” I have never experienced feeling the human remains of others like that, and it was utterly bizarre. When I got home, I Googled yet another search to make NSA wonder what I’m up for, looking for where the bodies are (in Sage Chapel).
As I related this to another psychic this week, she laughed hard and said, “I don’t need to know what the internet says. You know where they are. You need to TRUST your intuition more.” I laughed, and confirmed that the internet had said that the crypt is in the basement, so I was likely on top of it. There are ashes of two people interred in the chapel itself upstairs. But I also told her that there was more to the story.
The first word I heard from my guides was “patience.” My response to my guides was not one of appreciation, but more of a “We’ve been working on that lesson for 50 years, and I’m getting tired of it!” :)
The second word I received and was told was the most important was indeed “trust.” This trust is partially around three specific things in my life, trusting that the Universe is taking care of me and will show me the way as the time is right. It is also trusting in myself, my gifts, my abilities, my strength, and my soul.
The final word was “hope,” having optimism that the Universe is going to be bringing me amazing things this year. Hope is what keeps me alive. I needed the reminder that even though various things are seeming muddled right now, I should have hope that they will change for the better.
So here’s to 2025 being a year of patience, hope, and most importantly, trust. May this year be better for all of us than we can possibly dream of.
© 2024 Elizabeth Galen, Ph.D., Green Heart Guidance