One of my friends describes doing metaphysical work as “being shiny.” That means energy workers attract the magpies of the spirit world as they can tell we can sense them. While I make sure to shield my house and myself, I still attract energies and souls on occasion. I’ve had a couple in my house that become electrical menaces. One was turning on and off my sauna. Then the spirit switched to turning on and off a light in my bedroom. In that case, I simply told it, “Cut the crap. I know you’re here. I’m not interested in playing games. This is my home, and you’re not welcome here. Go in peace.” And it did. I guess I wasn’t too much fun to mess with!
There was another one that was a “kitchen ghost.” My three kids and I all watched a dish go flying off the kitchen counter. I told myself that maybe it was just not sitting stably, and I blew the incident off. Later the same week, an apple started rolling around the table while one of my kids and I were making apple pie. At that point, I shifted gears and non-verbally went Mama Bear on the energy. I let it know that it was NOT allowed to mess with my children. I unexpectedly got back a meek reply of “sorry.” This was just another bored energy who needed to find something better to do with himself—preferably somewhere that wasn’t my house.
Getting rid of the spirits is really pretty simple in most cases. You just have to tell them to go. You need to be firm, strong, and commanding. You need to take ownership of your space and let them know that you are not open to sharing it. Then send them on their way, asking them to go in peace.
On the rare occasions that they don’t leave easily, you don’t have to call the Ghostbusters to come in with their photon packs to blast the heck out of everything. However, seeking outside help can bring peace to your family. I offer remote home viewing services that can help in this regard; in other cases, you will need to hire a shaman or other energy worker who can get the spirits to leave from your living space.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance