A while ago I was messaging with a friend about jellyfish and meditating on them. Both of us have had jellyfish show up in visions for us recently as animals whom we should work with. The Star Stuffs website says the meaning of jellyfish is as follows:
Jellyfish speaks of simplifying your life. Go with the flow of the current and allow things to take their course. Trust the process. She shows how to rest in the earthly realm and not to rush. Life or mind chatter too hectic? Take a walk, get close to nature so you can see the world in a better light. In communication, your words and actions may sting others, however unintentional. She will help balance this forwardness with compassion. Jellyfish asks you heal the painful past. What is hurting your spirit? She assists in tackling challenges of the mind, body and spirit. She will help identify the areas for you - because it is time. Jellyfish may be very transparent but she shows the heart's truth, if you will follow it. This includes the pain and growth that may arise in the journey.
For me, I am working through a lot of past life traumas that were not healed well (or at all) in those past lives. This is my second chance to heal them. Jellyfish reminds me to allow this healing to happen as it is meant to and not try to force the process.
The friend and I were discussing how one would meditate on jellyfish. I suggested that one could put on some ocean music off of Spotify and then just picture oneself swimming with the jellyfish. Of course, that is ignoring the fact that any music with water sounds in it makes me need to pee. I then decided to Google “youtube jellyfish meditation,” and I stumbled upon the amazing video above. For five minutes, I just sat there watching the jellyfish gently moving through the water. The tension drained from my body. I could feel the stress melting away. It was amazing. It felt so good. Every time I turn that video back on and just stare, I feel so much more relaxed.
Watching that video, even though it doesn’t fit the stereotypical vision of meditation, is still meditation. The goal was achieved of helping me release tension from my body. While I didn’t find any major spiritual insight while watching the video, I felt far less stressed and worried from watching it. I’ve bookmarked it amongst my favorites and plan to return to it each time the jellyfish returns to me in my visions so that I can remember its message of going with the flow.
© 2013 Green Heart Guidance