Finding providers who are willing to work as part of a team is not always easy. Medical doctors are often known for their egos and their inability to work with others; they are not alone in that stereotype in the healing world or even in life as a whole. Many of us have control issues, and it’s important that those control issues don’t bleed over into our work and negatively impact our patients’ and clients’ lives.
When I look at a prospective healthcare practitioner’s website, one of the things I am evaluating is how much of a team player they are. Recently I checked out the website of a naturopath whom someone had recommended to me. The website made me shudder with horror. It was very clear that this man was someone who needs to control every aspect of his patient’s healing. He had an all-or-nothing program established. That is not something I’m willing to accept. I want someone who will work well with my other practitioners and who will understand the need to cater a program to my body’s specific needs.
It’s also important that each team member respects their niche and won’t try to take over other’s roles. My practitioners will offer help in other areas outside their immediate role in my healing plan if I am in need, but they also accept that it is my decision as to which practitioner handles which part of my health. One of the reasons I stopped seeing one of my practitioners was because she was trying to get me to stop seeing another one of my primary caregivers because she wasn’t fond of him personally. She’s entitled to her opinion, but when he is someone I work well with and who has helped my health improve immensely, then she out of line to repeatedly try to convince me to stop seeing him.
I also greatly appreciate practitioners who are willing to communicate with each other in regards to managing my health. When my chiropractor picks up on an issue that my Lyme doctor or pain specialist needs to handle, it is very useful to me to have them be in contact with each other. I sign HIPAA releases and allow them to work together in my best interest.
Just as I appreciate my healthcare providers working as a team, I also work in the best interest of my clients. I am well aware that I cannot solve all of someone’s problems by myself. However, I am happy to work alongside psychotherapists, chiropractors, doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other healers to improve our clients’ lives. The more we work together to support the clients, the better their lives become, and the more we can improve the world as a whole.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance