One of the more important things that I have come to learn and which I still frequently have to remind myself of is that I should take what works for me and leave the rest. Right now, this shows up for me frequently in my spiritual development. As I explore new realms of spirituality, I choose what works for me and disregard the rest. I label myself as a spiritual mutt because no one religion or system completely encompasses my beliefs. None even come close. I believe that many major world religions offer bits of insight that can be applied even to non-theisitic living. Helping others is a principle that most religions and spiritualities embrace, but one doesn’t need to believe in a god to practice acts of compassion.
I also especially find this mantra to be true as I read works of self-help non-fiction. Some authors have one or two nuggets in their works that help me out but the rest of the book is not much use. Other books speak to me almost in their entirety. Either situation is ok. I remind myself to take what works for me and leave the rest behind.
This tidbit can be applied to any learning situation aside from the ones in which there is a scored test for a class in school. It also will end up applying to my blog because of the wide variety of topics I will be posting on. Many of you will not have experienced the loss of a child, thank heavens, and so those posts may not offer much for you. Some of you will be following this blog for its posts on green living but won’t have much interest in my posts on spiritual issues. That is fine. I know my clients have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. As I share my beliefs and experiences, I don’t expect everything I write to help everyone who reads. Be grateful for whatever you learn that is of use to you, and leave behind all that doesn’t assist your growth.
© 2013 Green Heart Guidance