However, time is one of the most difficult issues I have with my primary spirit guide. She is an amazingly beautiful soul who has so much wisdom to offer. I am fairly certain it’s been at least a millennium since she was last incarnate, and it was probably much longer. So she doesn’t always grasp time issues. One Sunday night at 10 p.m., my primary guide decided that I needed clary sage essential oil. I told her I would get it the next day. She was not satisfied with that answer. She wanted me to get it NOW and start working with it. I had to explain to her that I couldn’t just go outside and pick some clary sage. It doesn’t work that way anymore. I needed to go to a store to get it, and the soonest I could go to a store was at 8 a.m. the next morning when Whole Foods opened. I promised her that I would be there when the doors opened, and I was. Clary sage did end up being very important in a part of my healing.
In a similar experience with my primary spirit guide, I woke up one night at 2 a.m. to her telling me that I needed lapis lazuli. I told her fine, and that I would get it in the morning. I woke up again an hour later. The sensation was similar to having someone in my face and screaming “LAPIS LAZULI” at me. Clearly she was not going to be happy with tomorrow morning. So I got up, turned on the lights, dug out my lapis lazuli from my crystal collection, and fell back asleep for the rest of the night with it in my hand. Once again, it proved to be a powerful healing tool for me albeit over the course of three weeks—really, it could have waited until the morning!
Another reason that I feel that time estimates from the other side can be unreliable is that our life paths are malleable. We are in situations similar to Choose Your Own Adventure books. Our free will allows us to make decisions that can greatly change the way our lives play out.
In a situation I encountered about nine months ago, I was told that I was going to meet someone important to my life at an event. Based on the description, I knew it was one of a few social gatherings I had planned to go to in December. I consulted with an intuitive tarot reader whom a friend had told me had been incredibly accurate with her time estimates; the tarot reader came up with the same scenario with the same person and in the same time period (without me having given her any clues other than me asking what would happen in the next few weeks in my life). Alas, the first two social events came and went as I had influenza followed by viral pneumonia and I was way too sick to consider attending. The final two events also came and went as I was hit by a second strain of influenza. The window passed for me to meet that person. I’ve asked if that person will come into my life again at a later date, but have not gotten a clear answer. So my decisions (to not attend the events because I was sick, though it wasn’t much of a choice!) influenced the path my life took and the accuracy of the time predictions that the other side had provided.
Thus, if you ask me for a time estimate about something in a metaphysical message, I will likely not give you an answer unless your spirit guides insist that I should. Even then, it will be with a warning that time estimates are very sketchy and should be taken with a grain of sea salt. To greatly misquote a theory of Einstein’s, time really is relative.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance