The closest Christian parallel to our primary spirit guides would be our guardian angel, though in my cosmic view, guides and angels are different. In my understanding, angels are spiritual beings who have never been incarnate; guides are individuals who have been human in the past at some point but have died and live on the other side. In Christian terms, the other side is heaven. The rest of one’s spirit guide team could be viewed as the saints whom Catholics often petition for assistance. They are holy people who can help us from the other side. Keep in mind that all saints aren’t perfect. The Catholic Church has canonized some folks who have sketchy pasts! However, they are individuals who have worked for positive change in our world.
One of the things that has been part of my spiritual development is discovering who on the other side is there to help me and who has a personal agenda. It’s a process of discernment. Sometimes it’s easy to tell that you are dealing with a very holy guide. My primary guide is one such person. I received a message for a client whose primary spirit guide was an amazing, serene, powerful soul. He described himself as the old man on the mountain or as a beautifully wrinkled Native American elder. It is always an honor to be in the presence of energies like these.
Other guides are not so blessed and elevated. I’ve had deceased biological relatives show up to guide me from their place of bias and confusion. I refused their help. I had a guide show up whom I eventually figured out was a man I was partnered with in three previous lives. He was a toxic soul who had plenty of issues and quite a bit of anger at me. Needless to say, I declined his help as well and was grateful when he realized the situation was hopeless and reincarnated in an attempt to anger me. (It failed.)
And then there are the guys who claim they want to help me as guides but who are really just not aware that they are dead. What they really are after are sexual partners. Yes, they can be that confused that they don’t understand that a carnal relationship between living and dead people just isn’t going to work out! These misguided “guides” usually have an energy of a swift-talking guy in a bar. I very quickly send them on their way, too.
As you attempt to meet your own spirit guides, be aware that everyone you meet on your journey may not be the holiest of people. Just because they are souls rather than humans, they haven’t necessarily entered a state of perfection. Keep a clear sense of judgment about you. If something feels wrong, it probably is. When you find your true guides, you will be able to feel their love and help. They want nothing but the best for you.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance