Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. ~Charles Dudley Warner
If at first you don't succeed, you'll get a lot of free advice from other folks who didn't succeed either. ~Author Unknown
By the time one is an adult, 99.9% of us have emotional baggage. Some have more than others, and some are more aware of what their baggage is. The further we progress in life, the more baggage we can pick up. It’s possible for that baggage to merely become a part of our emotional past, but it takes active work in order to make that transformation happen. “Just forgetting about it” doesn’t really work. Our bodies store traumas and emotional pain even when we emotionally repress our issues. All of that crud that we pack away will eventually come to the surface in one way or another.
Healers are people, too. They have their own baggage and problems that they face outside of work hours. Many therapists, life coaches, and physical healers enter their fields because of the struggles they’ve faced previously. In my opinion, one of the differences between great practitioners and not-so-great practitioners is that the great practitioners acknowledge their personal issues. They realize they are human. And most importantly, they spend their entire lives working on continuing to improve themselves.
Continuing education is required in many healing professions in order to keep one’s licensing or certification up-to-date, so whether they want to or not, practitioners complete courses to meet those requirements. Beyond that, though, great healers read on their own, exploring books in their fields and others. They go to classes and conferences not because they have to but because they want to. Education and healing is part of their personal journey, and their work on themselves benefits their clients and patients, too.
Healing practitioners who present themselves as knowing everything should be trusted very warily. They are human. They don’t know everything. They may know a great deal about a sub-speciality of their field, but they won’t know everything. If they claim to have a perfect life, be concerned as well. None of us are without difficulties; our burdens just vary from person to person. Seek out practitioners who see education and healing as a life-long journey, one that they include in their own personal lives, too.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance