When I was Catholic, I did not believe in angels. I thought they were fictional characters who helped advance plot lines in the Bible. Likewise, I thought demons were merely metaphorical. Ironically, since I’ve become spiritual and have opened to my metaphysical gifts, I now very much believe in angels and demons. When Jesus cast out demons, it wasn’t just symbolic. He actually was doing what Catholicism would refer to as an exorcism.
Our world is full of dualities: Night and day, male and female, black and white, summer and winter. However, most of our world isn’t made up of these polar opposites. While the summer solstice and winter solstice exist, they are only two days of the year. The other 363 days are somewhere in between. Likewise, there are ubiquitous shades of gray when it comes to all other seeming dualities. Nothing is as simple as it seems. When it comes to good and evil, the same is true. There is good in our world, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, there is evil. There are angels, and there are demons. There are also many energetic beings which fall in between.
Some of the events that finally pushed me into my spiritual awakening were seeing and hearing negative entities. These spiritual creatures are less extreme than demons, but they can wreak havoc on us and our lives. Why they exist is beyond my understanding at this point, but I know they are there. Negative entities seem to thrive on pain, misery, and chaos. They serve to prevent us from evolving and being positive. When we are in a state of unhappiness or pain, we attract these negative entities to us. They settle into our bodies on a spiritual dimension. Once there, they influence how our body functions. They can cause physical and emotional pain. They’re no joke. They are very far outside the Western medical understanding, though. When I began working to remove negative entities from my life, I either had to accept that I had lost my mind completely, or I had to change my belief system to encompass what I had experienced. I chose the latter.
Negative entities are like everything else in our world in that they are made up of energy. They are evolved at different levels just like an amoeba is different than a bird which is different from an elephant which is different from a human. Some of the entities don’t have consciousness and really seem to just be balls of energetic crap, leftover refuse that needs to be cleared out of our bodies. Most seem to have some animalistic level of consciousness, but they are not very advanced creatures. They’re primitive and act instinctively. However, some are highly evolved and can communicate, laugh or speak. Those are the ones that get a bit freaky to deal with.
Almost all of us have negative entities attached to us unless we have done work to remove them; most of us are unaware that they are even there. We pick the entities up in times of unhappiness or trauma. When we put out a negative vibration to the universe, the parasitic entities attach to us because they can harmonize with that place of unhappiness. They then help to keep us in that vibrational mode because it serves them well: They make it harder to “shake off” a bad experience. I believe that we also can have entities attached to us due to vibrations that our souls put out from past-life traumas. Once our body begins storing all of these parasitic entities, they drain our resources and make it easier for us to become or stay ill.
Removing negative entities helps raise our vibration and makes it easier for us to heal from whatever ails us. Entities are all energy based, so therefore they must be removed through energetic work. In my work, I have used essential oils, flower essences, and crystals to raise vibrations. As we change our vibrations to a more positive state, entities will leave. The entities like being in a hot kitchen and don’t want to be around when the fire is put out. Many of the entities don’t leave easily. When my body and soul are kicking them out, I go through restless nights, sweats, and nightmares. Sometimes the entities need assistance getting released, and so I have other healers help me do this.
I’m well aware that all I’m saying is far outside the mainstream belief. I understand that saying these things could get me labeled as “crazy.” I personally wouldn’t believe in these things if I hadn’t experienced them, and so I don’t hold it against others who are skeptical or doubtful. I choose to talk about these things, though, because the web resources are minimal when it comes to issues of negative entities and how they can impact our overall well-being. I also believe that talking about taboo topics is the only way to help them become more accepted. As humans, we can’t grow, change, and learn unless we discuss, debate, and explore new ways of thought. If it weren’t for Copernicus, Kepler, Galilleo and others who ardently argued for theories of heliocentrism, we might still believe the Earth is the center of the universe.
Since I came out of the closet as an intuitive empath and energy worker, the “confessions” I’ve heard from others are fascinating. Others have experienced the phenomenon of negative entities or as most call them, “demons,” but are afraid to talk. One woman warned me when I came out that it’s not all rainbows and unicorns in metaphysical work. I let her know I had already figured that out! She talked to me about a family member whom she and other relatives believe to have a demon due to severe temporary personality changes. That’s just one of the ways negative entities can manifest.
The spiritual and metaphysical work I have been privileged to do in this life is amazing. I have experienced things that I never dreamed were possible. However, there are darker parts of all of this such as the negative entities. Working with these darker parts can be very strenuous, but it’s also been the key to healing for me.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance