I attended a social meeting for those with intuitive gifts a while back. There were about 25 people in the room. Two were clearly mentally ill. One was suffering from narcissistic personality disorder and loneliness. He actually didn't have any metaphysical gifts that he knew of. He just came to check out the crowd and get some attention. The other man in question was genuinely delusional. His visions clearly crossed the line between sanity and insanity. They had elements of obsessive compulsive disorder to them, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a diagnosis of schizophrenia as well.
So how could I tell that this second guy wasn’t on the same page as the rest of us? Part of it was instinct. Part of it was listening to what he said and how he said it. He engaged in activities that no one else in any metaphysical practice that I’m aware of also participates in. His visions were delusions that were damaging his relationships with others and impeding on his ability to live his life. They created activities for him that were outside the realm of acceptable human behavior, even for a metaphysician.
To me, the bigger question comes down to whether anyone is being hurt or anyone is being helped by the visions. If the visions are helpful, creating healing and peace, they probably are genuine. If they are delusions rather than divinely inspired visions, someone is likely getting deeply hurt, whether that’s the person having the delusions or those around him. Even within that distinction, sometimes delusions can be helpful things. In Neverwas, a lead character’s imaginative delusions actually helped him to live a happy but solitary life that involved quite a bit of fantasy. Those around him who were getting "hurt" were those who chose not to let him be happy in his own way.
All of us have different views and perceptions. To me, it’s important to remember “reality” is very different for all of us. Quite often, there is no one ultimate Truth. Since opening to my intuition and my metaphysical gifts, I have been happier than I have ever been previously in my life. My spiritual visions help me and countless others, and to me, that is what matters.
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