When I first got sick in 2003, we had no idea what was going on with me. My general practitioner was of no use. I did some hunting on the internet, and I ended up working with a nutritionist who is in another state (whom I would not recommend). The first thing she had me do, even before we started working on specific meal planning, was switch to eating organic. I changed nothing in my diet except to buy organic foods instead of the conventional ones I had been eating.
My ex-husband and I were both brought up in families where saving was highly valued. You bought things on sale, you bought generics, and you certainly didn’t spend money on organics when equally good conventional food was available at a much cheaper price. So our initial plan was that we would buy organic for me but the rest of the family would continue eating conventional.
As a result of that switch to organic eating, I had an almost immediate increase in energy—it easily doubled. I felt more clear-headed. I felt better overall. It was a night and day difference. It was clear to us that the pesticides on the food were poisoning me. It was such a shocking difference that my ex-husband and I immediately decided that the entire family would be eating organic from then on.
Since then, eating organic has always been a priority for us. When money was tight, we never considered cutting organics from our budget. When we budget, our food spending is high but it comes first. Other areas such as entertainment, cars, clothing, and cell phones are where we cut corners. Even when we were divorcing and were trying to figure out how to run two households on a budget that previously supported one, conventional eating was never considered as an option. It’s that important to us.
Over the years, I’ve discovered that organic food just tastes better. Foods I previously did not like such as raw green peppers I now love. I figured out that what I hated so much was the bitter taste of pesticide residue on conventional foods, not the foods themselves.
© 2014 Green Heart Guidance