Several discussions ensued as friends gave suggestions and I meditated on them. I honestly don’t remember how Green Heart Guidance came about, but when it did, the discussion was over for me. The name was perfect. When you hit on the right decision, your gut will tell you. Actually, your whole body will. There’s a happiness that spreads throughout that can’t be denied.
When settling on Green Heart Guidance as my LLC name, I saw several reasons why it seemed so appropriate at the time. The first was the environmental stance I take. I am undeniably green in my heart in an eco-friendly sense. I help other people who want to change their lives by removing unnecessary synthetic chemicals to improve their lives and the planet’s well-being.
The second ties into the chakra connection: The heart chakra is represented by green. Unlike our Western society which tends to present hearts as pink or red (reflecting the color of the actual organ), some Eastern spiritual traditions see the healthy heart chakra as a brilliant green. On my journey to beginning my business and to healing myself from Lyme, I had to do a great deal of work on my heart chakra. I believe that lessons about love are some of the most important ones that I have been struggling with for many recent centuries. In terms of my work, my heart chakra is also vitally important: I serve others from a place of love.
Many of us have heard popular memes about our spirit animals; I believe we truly do have spirit animals who guide us. For me, my lifelong spirit animal has been an elephant. In the past few years, I have worked with several other animals as well. In addition to all of us having a spirit animal, I also believe we have a spirit flower and a spirit crystal. Up until a few years ago, my spirit flower was a lilac and my crystal was green aventurine. The heart logo on my website is made from green aventurine. (A different view is shown above.) Then, in a powerful shamanic journey a few years ago, my spirit guides changed my flower and my crystal. My initial reaction was not one of gratitude: I responded in frustration because I had just named a business after green aventurine and I was hesitant to give it up! However, I realized how powerful of a statement this was from my guides about the growth I had made at a soul level. The flowers and crystals that had represented and guided me in the first part of my life were no longer as relevant to me. Instead, a white calla lily (shown on the top of my blog) and a red ruby were my new flower and crystal. However, green aventurine is still an old friend who helps me as needed.
In selecting the word guidance, I was searching for something that would convey assisting others. Because of legal implications, I did not want to use words like counseling which have implications that could make it seem I was representing myself as something I am not. However, guidance is a powerful word to describe the transactions that happen in my sessions with clients.
I continue to love the name Green Heart Guidance and the symbols I have chosen for my business. I am grateful to the friends and the higher powers who helped the name come into being. Any time I see anything with my business name on it, I smile, and that tells me that I definitely made the right choice with this name.
(Thanks to Molly of Green Hope Farm for prompting me to finally write this post. Their flower essences are among my favorites I use in my work!)
© 2015 Elizabeth Galen, Ph.D., Green Heart Guidance, LLC