One night, I decided to escape the overwhelming metaphysical work I was doing by watching a movie on Netflix. I found The House of the Spirits which stars Jeremy Irons, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Winona Ryder, Antonio Banderas and Vanessa Redgrave. With an all-star cast like that, how could I go wrong? The misleading Netflix blurb states, “Esteban vows to marry Rosa, a rich man's daughter. But when Rosa dies before he can save enough money to do so, he instead marries her younger sister.” What that blurb conveniently left out was the significance behind the “spirits” part of the title. The younger sister (played as an adult by Glenn Close) is a metaphysically gifted woman who has premonitions and mediumship abilities. The movie was really excellent, but in trying to escape my metaphysical life, I found myself thrown right back into it again.

When there’s a lesson we need to learn in our lives, sometimes the Universe will take synchronicity into its hands to get us to pay attention. Seemingly random choices such as movies we select to watch can end up helping us to work through the big picture issues.
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