Settle into your chair. Shake out any part of your body that feels tight or uncomfortable. Take a deep inhalation, and set your feet firmly on the floor, exhaling as you do. Focus on how strong the earth feels beneath you. Continue breathing in and out at a speed that feels natural and relaxing for you. Visualize the powerful energy of the earth slowly rising up into your body. First you feel the energy in your feet, and then it moves slowly up your shins. It crosses over your knees and into your thighs. Eventually feel the energy from each leg join together in your pelvis. Take another deep breath in, and let it out again.
Now feel the earth energy rising in your abdomen. Slowly it moves up above your belly button and into your solar plexus region. Stop here for a minute and let the energy permeate all of your third chakra. This is the seat of your self-esteem. It is the location of your gallbladder, the organ that controls resentment and jealousy in the body. Take another few deep breaths in and out so that you are certain that your third chakra is buzzing with the powerful energy that the earth uses to support us.
Next, move the energy up upward into your heart chakra and breastbone area, the seat of love and compassion in our bodies. Let the energy permeate your heart, warming it and awakening it. We will be drawing on this area later to help us let go of some of our jealousy.
Feel the energy continue to rise in your body, spreading upward through your throat and inside your head. Allow the energy to massage your scalp and then move back down the outside of your neck and soothe your shoulders…. Release any burdens you may be carrying in this area as the energy moves through…. Slowly the energy continues to descend your biceps and triceps, your elbows, your forearms, and finally reaching your hands. Feel any excess energy dripping out of your fingertips, taking along some of your stress, your fears, your pain, and your jealousy with it.
Bring your attention back to the rest of your body, noticing how much more relaxed you are now than just a few minutes ago when we began. You were able to make radical change happen in a relatively short amount of time just by focusing your attention and positive energy to the areas of concern. You always have the power to make this kind of change in yourself.
Now take a moment to reflect about someone or something that you have felt jealous about recently. It might be a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or a co-worker. It might be a financial gain, a new client, a promotion, a new baby, a lover… whatever the jealousy is about you that triggers unwanted or uncomfortable emotions in you. Take a moment to contemplate whatever it is that brings out the green-eyed monster in you.
As you think about this jealousy trigger, simultaneously focus your breath and energy on your gallbladder which is located below your right breast. Breathe in and out as though your gallbladder was another nose or mouth on your abdomen. Let the energy of the breath move around your gallbladder, soothing and calming it in its jealous state. Feel the healing happening in your body as your breath helps remove the physical and emotional toxins within you.
Ask yourself why you are holding this jealousy toward this other person or other thing. Why do you want what they have? What about it appeals to you?... Would having the same thing help you to get something you want? ... What is that goal that you desire so badly?... If you had the thing that is making you jealous, would it actually make you happy?... If so, how long would your happiness last? ... Continue to breathe in and out through your third chakra, allowing your breath to calm and heal your gallbladder.
Question whether or not your jealousy is serving you in a positive way. Is it helping motivate you toward achieving a personal goal?... Or is it just causing you to wallow in your own selfishness and pain? ... Can you transform your jealousy into something productive? ... If so, how would you go about making this transformation? Take a moment to think about how the jealousy could become something positive in your life.
Take a few more deep breaths in and out of your third chakra. Let your jealousy release on the out breath, sending as much of it out of your body as possible. Thank it for serving you, but let it know that you no longer need it in your body…. When you come to a place that you feel comfortable doing so, shift your attention to your heart chakra, across your upper chest and centered in your breastbone. Feel the warmth of your heartbeat in your chest. Feel your lungs fill with oxygen each time you breathe in and out. Feel the love that naturally resides in this area of your body.
Now comes the most difficult part for most people. As you think about the situation that has made you jealous, try to feel happiness for that other person. Instead of feeling jealousy, attempt to come to an internal place where you can release your pain, your insecurity, and your selfishness. Focus on the joy and happiness that the other person most likely feels…. As you cultivate this feeling of generosity, send the other person your blessings on their situation. Telepathically let them know that you celebrate their good fortune with them.... Allow the love in your heart chakra to spread throughout your abdomen, helping pushing out some of that jealousy in your gallbladder in your solar plexus chakra below. Release as much of your jealousy from your gallbladder as you can, replacing it with the joy and happiness you feel for the other person. Let those love-related feelings drive out the jealousy.... As you do so, feel peace settling into your body instead of jealousy and pain....
As we draw near the end of our meditation, expand your newfound sense of gratitude and joy to help others who are struggling with the same types of jealousy that you have felt in your life. Send good thoughts to all of those who are creating suffering in their own lives though jealousy. May all of us choose joy and happiness when someone else has a reason to celebrate rather than bitterness, envy and jealousy. May we all respond with full hearts. May we all learn to work from a place of love and compassion that recognizes that each of us is meant to do different things in our own time. Just because someone else has something you do not have does not mean that you will never have it. Rather, you are working on different lessons in your life, the lessons that your soul needs the most. You will eventually be in a different place in your life, but for now you are blessed to be where you are. Say a word of thanks to any higher power you choose to acknowledge sharing your gratitude for all that you do have in your life right now and all of the blessings that you are surrounded by each day. You are truly blessed in your own right....
Take another few deep breaths... and slowly open your eyes when you feel ready. Take a moment to write anything in your journal that you would like to remember from this meditation.
© 2015 Elizabeth Galen, Ph.D., Green Heart Guidance, LLC